
Policy: Policy 3-7-1: Instructional Space Scheduling Policy Date Adopted: Feb 07, 2017
Department: Academic & Student Affairs Contact: Scheduling Coordinator/Application Support and Development Lead
Statement: Scheduling classes within the required time frame, will allow for better utilization with room alignment and flexible scheduling for students. The target fill for each classroom is at least 60%. Standard meeting patterns allows for students to have maximum registration options and use of classroom space; therefore reducing space conflicts. Non-standard scheduling is allowed only by approval of the Academic Director for the Division.

Table of Contents:

  1. Scheduling Classes in Alignment with Room Size
  2. 极速6合 Peak Times
  3. 极速6合 Non-Peak Times
  4. Scheduling Classes in Standard Meeting Patterns
  5. Room Preferences and Classroom Changes

Section 1: Scheduling Classes in Alignment with Room Size

  1. Classes with an estimated enrollment capacity need of 30 or above should be requested according to the room size ranges in the classroom pool. Enrollment capacity may be adjusted if there is an available room with a capacity close to the estimated enrollment capacity.
  2. Course enrollment capacity should be set after estimating demand realistically and then individual section sizes set with classroom sizes considered. A list of all centrally scheduled classrooms showing capacity is included at the end of this policy. The target fill is at least 60%.
  3. Any class initially scheduled into a room that does not meet the target fill may be moved to a smaller classroom in order to meet the demand for large classrooms.
  4. Classrooms are to remain in the state in which they are found. Moving chairs and tables to a different room is prohibited.

Section 2: 极速6合 Peak Times

  1. 极速6合 has two different peak times in which the classrooms are used the most. Scheduling of classrooms is assigned three weeks in advance to promote maximum space utilization. Scheduling of rooms is also in line with ADA and faculty needs.
    1. 9:30am-12:15 p.m. The number of sections has increased during this time frame due to Jump Start College.
    2. 5:30pm-9:45pm We try to meet our students needs, and being a community college, our enrollment increases at night due to our large population of non-traditional students.

Section 3: 极速6合 Non-Peak Times

  1. During non-peak hours on the Carson City campus, classrooms are utilized in other ways such as adult education, community education, and outside events.
  2. The High Tech Center is utilized by 极速6合 between 2:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Monday Friday for adult education courses and high school equivalency training. During our non-peak times, the building is used by Carson High School.
  3. The Douglas Campus is utilized by 极速6合 for academic and adult education classes between 2:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. During our non-peak times, the building is sub-leased to Aspire High School.
  4. During non-peak hours on the Fallon campus, classrooms are utilized in other ways such as adult education, community education, and outside events.
  5. Classes are scheduled based on enrollment trends. Classes that are scheduled during our peak times maintain a 60% and above utilization rate.

Section 4: Scheduling Classes in Standard Meeting Patterns

  1. Departments must adhere to standard meeting patterns for all undergraduate classes scheduled in centrally scheduled space. Staying within standard meeting patterns serves two key purposes: it allows the college to maximize classroom use, and it gives students maximal registration options, making it easier for students to create schedules, get needed classes, and therefore graduate sooner. Standard meeting pattern scheduling also helps to reduce space conflicts.
  2. Non-standard scheduling has a negative impact on both classroom availability and student scheduling options. Non-standard scheduling is only allowed with the approval of the Academic Director for the Division.
  3. Room assignments for classes scheduled outside of the standard class times will be made after the batch scheduling process.
  4. Standard Meeting Pattern:(3 cr classes)
    1. Carson City Campus
      Mon Tues
      1:00pm-3:45pm 1:00pm-3:45pm
      4:00pm-6:45pm 4:00pm-6:45pm
      7:00pm-9:45pm 7:00pm-9:45pm
      Mon/Wed Tues/Thur
      8:00am-9:15am 8:00am-9:15am
      9:30am-10:45am 9:30am-10:45am
      11:00am-12:15pm 11:00am-12:15am
      1:00pm-2:15pm 1:00pm-2:15pm
      2:30pm-3:45pm 2:30pm-3:45pm
      4:00pm-5:15pm 4:00pm-5:15pm
      5:30pm-6:45pm 5:30pm-6:45pm
      Wed Thur
      1:00pm-3:45pm 1:00pm-3:45pm
      4:00pm-6:45pm 4:00pm-6:45pm
      7:00pm-9:45pm 7:00pm-9:45pm
    2. Douglas Campus
      Mon Tues
      2:30pm-5:15pm 2:30pm-5:15pm
      4:00pm-6:45pm 4:00pm-6:45pm
      7:00pm-9:45pm 7:00pm-9:45pm
      Mon/Wed Tues/Thur
      2:30pm-3:45pm 2:30pm-3:45pm
      4:00pm-5:15pm 4:00pm-5:15pm
      5:30pm-6:45pm 5:30pm-6:45pm
      Wed Thur
      2:30pm-5:15pm 2:30pm-5:15pm
      4:00pm-6:45pm 4:00pm-6:45pm
      7:00pm-9:45pm 7:00pm-9:45pm
    3. Fallon Campus
      Mon Tues
      9:00am-11:45am 9:00am-11:45am
      1:00pm-3:45pm 1:00pm-3:45pm
      4:00pm-6:45pm 4:00pm-6:45pm
      7:00pm-9:45pm 7:00pm-9:45pm<
      Mon/Wed Tues/Thur
      9:30am-10:45am 9:30am-10:45am
      11:00am-12:15pm 11:00am-12:15pm
      1:00pm-2:15pm 1:00pm-2:15pm
      2:30pm-3:45pm 2:30pm-3:45pm
      4:00pm-5:15pm 4:00pm-5:15pm
      5:30pm-6:45pm 5:30pm-6:45pm
      Wed Thur
      9:00am-11:45am 9:00am-11:45am
      1:00pm-3:45pm 1:00pm-3:45pm
      4:00pm-6:45pm 4:00pm-6:45pm
      7:00pm-9:45pm 7:00pm-9:45pm
  5. Standard Meeting Pattern:(4 cr classes)
    Mon/Wed or Tues/Thur
    1:00pm-2:45pm 5:00pm-6:45pm

Section 5: Room Preferences and Classroom Changes

  1. All room changes after term start that occur due to room preference issues will require approval from the Academic Scheduling Coordinator and/or Application Support & Development Lead.
  2. Please remember, room scheduling guidelines do not allow for room change requests or preferences due to:
    1. courses not scheduled in the same room
    2. courses not scheduled in the same building
    3. desk/table arrangement
    4. room configuration.
    5. In addition, rooms cannot be dedicated to a particular instructor or program unless specific equipment is required and exists in only one room (e.g. chemistry, physics, nursing labs, or ADA).
  3. Examples of acceptable room preferences:
    1. mediated classroom with ELMO
    2. specific equipment needed
    3. lecture capture/interactive video classroom
  4. Carson City Campus
    Room Capacity
    ASP 201 27 (Lab)
    ASP 203 27
    ASP 210 20 (Lab)
    ASP 213 18 (Lab)
    ASP 214 15 (Lab)
    AUTO 100 20 (Lab)
    AUTO 103 20 (Lab)
    AUTO 105 14 (Lab)
    AUTO 106 14 (Lab)
    BRIS 320 20
    BRIS 321 35
    BRIS 322 30
    BRIS 329 30 (Lab)
    BRIS 332 44 (Writing Center)
    BRIS 343 36
    BRIS 344 42
    BRIS 346 36
    CED 100 131
    CED 108 33
    CED 109 33
    CED 110 27 (Lecture Capture)
    CED 111 16
    CED 115 13 (Piano Lab)
    CED 116 40
    CED 203 27
    CED 204 39
    CED 205 30
    CED 206 30
    CED 207 33
    CED 225 18 (Lab)
    CED 227 36
    CED 305 30
    CED 306 36
    CED 307 30 (IAV Room)
    CED 308 38
    CED 313 30
    CED 314 35
    CED 315 25
    CED 316 25
    CED 317 36
    CED 325 36
    CED 331A 15 (Computer lab)
    CED 331B 15 (Computer lab)
    CED 331C 21 (Computer lab)
    CED 331D 20 (Computer lab)
    MTT 100 19 (Lab)
    MTT 102 14 (Lab)
    MTT 104 21 (Lab)
    REYN 101 36 (IAV Room)
    REYN 102 44 (IAV Room)
    REYN 103 68
    REYN 105 17 (Lab)
    REYN 106 19 (Lab)
    REYN 107 24 (Lab)
    REYN 108 20 (Lab)
    REYN 109 17 (Lab)
    REYN 110 36 (Lecture Capture)
    REYN 111 24
    REYN 112 24 (Lab)
    REYN 113 35
    REYN 114 30
    WELD 100 20 (Lab)
    WELD 103 24 (Lab)
    WELD 105 20 (Lab)
  5. Douglas Campus
    Room Capacity
    DC 104 29
    DC 105 24 (Lecture Capture)
    DC 106 32
    DC 107 30
    DC 108 18 (Classroom / Computer lab)
    DC MC 28 (IAV Room)
    DC SL 20 (Lab)
  6. Fallon Campus
    Room Capacity
    PINH 202 37
    PINH 205 30
    PINH 207 28
    PINH 208 18
    PINH 209 30 (Lecture Capture)
    SAGE 102 31 (Computer lab)
    SAGE 103 16 (Computer lab)
    SAGE 104 16 (Lab)
    VRGH 302 20
    VRGH 303 40
    VRGH 304 40
    VRGH 308 30 (IAV Room)
    VRGH 309 18 (IAV Room)
    VRGH 310 14 (Lab)
    VRGH 312 20 (Lab)

Date(s) Revised   Date(s) Reviewed