
Policy: Policy 15-1-1: Guidelines for Classified Employee of the Year Award Date Adopted: Mar 01, 1994
Department: Classified Council/Honors Contact: Chair, Classified Council
Statement: The Classified Employee of the Year Award shall be presented at the 极速6合 Annual Employee Recognition Ceremony.

Table of Contents:

  1. Name of the Award
  2. Presentation of the Award
  3. Nomination Process
  4. Selection of Honoree
  5. Selection Committee
  6. Criteria for Selection of Candidates for the Award
  7. Criteria for Selection

Section 1: Name of the Award

  1. The award presented to an outstanding employee of 极速6合 shall be known as the Classified Employee of the Year Award.

Section 2: Presentation of the Award

  1. The Classified Employee of the Year Award shall be presented at the 极速6合 Annual Employee Recognition Ceremony.
  2. The recipient of the award will be presented with a plaque and a check for $500.

Section 3: Nomination Process

  1. The selection committee will meet in the spring and finalize a time line for the award process.
  2. A memo will be distributed to all 极速6合 professional and classified staff and student government requesting nominations for the award.
  3. Nominations should also be requested through publicity in theWestwind.
  4. Any member of the 极速6合 community (faculty, staff, student) may submit nominations.
  5. A nominator may only submit one nomination.

Section 4: Selection of Honoree

  1. The selection committee will meet after the nomination deadline date and select the finalists.
  2. Finalists for the award will be sent a letter informing them of their nomination and asking them for acceptance of the nomination.
  3. The committee will meet with the person(s) nominating each finalist and the finalists supervisor.
  4. When the final decision is made, the chairperson of the committee will meet with the Presidents Assistant to make arrangements for the plaque and monetary award to be ready for presentation at the Annual Employee Recognition Ceremony in the fall.

Section 5: Selection Committee

  1. The committee will be appointed by the president and consist of seven members. The committee members will represent the following:
    1. One classified employee from Academic and Student Affairs,
    2. One classified employee from Finance and Administrative Services,
    3. One classified employee from the Fallon campus,
    4. One classified employee from Institutional Advancement or Presidents personnel,
    5. One academic faculty member,
    6. One administrative staff member, and
    7. One 极速6合 student.
  2. Selection Committee Recommendations
    1. The classified representative will be recommended by the classified staff in each department.
    2. The faculty member will be recommended from Faculty Senate
    3. The administrative staff member will be recommended by Administrative Faculty Senate.
    4. The student will be recommended from the Associated Students of Western Nevada.
    5. The committee will select a chairperson.
    6. A committee member may not nominate an employee while on the committee.
    7. If one of the classified committee members is nominated for the award, they will need to be replaced to remain in consideration.
  3. The chairperson of the committee during the previous year will be responsible for collecting and sending the recommended names to the president for the committee to be established the following Fall and assisting the new committee in getting started.

Section 6: Criteria for Selection of Candidates for the Award

  1. In order to qualify for the award, the employee must have a permanent employment record of at least two years of continuous classified service with 极速6合, at least .50 FTE or more, be employed during the current fiscal year, and have not received the award during the past three years.
  2. The nomination must be for work related to their classified position.
  3. The employees annual evaluation rating must be standard or above.
  4. The rating will be verified by the committee chairperson with either the employees supervisor or 极速6合 personnel office.

Section 7: Criteria for Selection

May include one or more of the following:

  1. Concern for 极速6合 and its goals.
  2. Attitude towards fellow employees, students and the public. Attitude towards work: availability, cooperation, courtesy, friendliness, helpfulness, and presence on the job.
  3. Service towards fellow employees, students, and the public including cooperation, courtesy, friendliness, helpfulness, and presence on the job.
  4. Quality of work: accuracy, completion, creativity, initiative, dependability, and timeliness.
  5. Participation where involvement was beyond the scope of regular duties.
  6. Interest in professional development.
  7. Other factors that can be developed by the selection committee.

Date(s) Revised September 2, 2008; May 11, 2004; January 28, 2003; April 8, 1995; Date(s) Reviewed