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Course Descriptions


Course # Course Title Credits
EDU110 Success Strategies in Education & Human Development 3 Credits

Prerequisites: None Designed to introduce students to the resources of Western Nevada College and expectations of a college student. Emphasis on education's role in society as well as historical, philosophical and sociological foundations of education and the role of each student within. Introduction to the field of Education as a career choice and major. Includes study skills and strategies to meet college-level study. Exploration of the career preparation path in order to meet goals for timely graduation and career entry.

Course # Course Title Credits
EDU112 Education Internship 3 Credits

Prerequisites: EDU 110 or Instructor Consent Supervised work and learning experience in research, public, education, business or government organizations related to Elementary or Secondary Education.

Course # Course Title Credits
EDU201 Introduction to Elementary Education 3 Credits

Introduces the foundations of elementary education, current trends and issues in curriculum and instruction, the roles of teachers and issues of diversity. Includes field experience. A background check may be required for field experience.

Course # Course Title Credits
EDU202 Introduction to Secondary Education 3 Credits

Introduces the prospective middle/secondary school teacher to the role of thinker/reflective practitioner. Creates awareness of the historical, social, political and economic forces influencing schooling in the United States.

Course # Course Title Credits
EDU203 Introduction to Special Education 3 Credits

Surveys the various types of exceptionalities. Emphasizes etiology, physical and educational characteristics.

Course # Course Title Credits
EDU204 Information Technology in Teaching 3 Credits

Studies the use of microcomputers in operations and word processing applicable to classroom for teachers to operate and utilize microcomputers in education. Special instruction fees.

Course # Course Title Credits
EDU205 Early Foundations in Mathematics 3 Credits

Prerequisites: EDU 201 Comprises math curriculum for children from infancy through the primary grades. Examines what math looks like at each developmental stage, discussing the underlying cognitive processes, and learning specific ways to support the teaching and learning of mathematics in young children's classroom and home environments. Standards, assessment, and understanding the needs of diverse populations also addressed.

Course # Course Title Credits
EDU206 Classroom Learning Environments 3 Credits

Prerequisites: EDU201 Presents the function and analysis of elementary school classrooms, daily activities, and methods of behavior management. Includes field experience. A background check may be required for field experience.

Course # Course Title Credits
EDU207 Exploration of Children's Literature 3 Credits

Surveys children's literature: issues, genre, censorship, historical background, book evaluation and selection.

Course # Course Title Credits
EDU208 Student Diverse Abilities & Backgrnds 3 Credits

Prerequisites: EDU 203 ; Corequisites: EDU 209 Focuses on students with learning disabilities, mental retardation, behavior disorders and language disorders, and their accommodation in general education environments.

Course # Course Title Credits
EDU210 Nevada School Law 3 Credits

Identifies legal issues in education and illustrates the implications of laws/mandates in the schools. Guidelines for teachers will provide information on avoiding situations that may lead to litigations. Concepts covered include teacher liability, teacher/student right to free speech and privacy, and accommodations for religious practices and students with disabilities.

Course # Course Title Credits
EDU214 Preparing Teachers to Use Technology 3 Credits

Addresses designing and constructing a variety of common core educational artifacts for tomorrow's classrooms by way of hands-on advanced information technology applications. Students create a selection of high quality common core educational artifacts that are appropriate and/or applicable for the digital classroom and a Teacher's E-Portfolio.

Course # Course Title Credits
EDU220 Principles of Educational Psychology 3 Credits

The psychology of learning, motivation, growth and development, personality, dynamics, and social adjustment.

Course # Course Title Credits
EDU245 Foundations of Elementary Literacy and the Science of Reading 3 Credits

This course is designed to teach paraprofessionals, substitute teachers, and other support staff current research, theory, methods, and instructional strategies related to the science of reading. The curriculum will focus on the 5 pillars of literacy instruction. Effective literacy assessments, intervention strategies, and differentiation techniques will also be explored.

Course # Course Title Credits
EDU295 Special Topics in Education 1-6 Credits

Prerequisites: None This course covers special topics relevant to the field of education that vary across semesters.